Darcey Quigley January Round Up
After the long month of January, we have finally made it to February!
We had a very busy month with the launch of our bespoke recoveries and CRM system, adding new members to the team and supporting our brilliant clients.
Read all about what we’ve been up to below.
New Salesforce & New Customer Process

We started the new year with internal training for our new in house recoveries system. The launch of our new system has been a great success and will continue to be developed in the coming months!
The new technology has made our internal process even better, meaning we can better serve our clients by actioning cases even quicker.
What does this mean for you?
We simplified our process of accepting new cases for recovery.
Now, if you’re ready to action a new debt, you will be emailed a link to your inbox detailing your quote for collection.
This must be accepted before we can action your case. See step by step guide here. It’s that simple!
88% of Our Clients Received FREE Debt Recovery in January!
Did you know that 88% of our clients received free debt recovery in January? We always strive to collect the cost of recovery from your debtor, and this month we were very successful! There’s a reason why we have over 400 reviews on Trustpilot and are rated #1 for commercial debt recovery. Here’s what one of our happy clients in January had to say:

Nicola Crothers Joins as Credit Management Consultant

Team DQ is growing again, with the addition of Nicola Crothers as Credit Management Consultant. Nicola joined the recoveries team in January to support our clients in retrieving their unpaid invoices. 🙌
Burns Day Celebrations

As a proud Scottish business, we celebrated Burns Day with a lovely coffee morning and lunch.
We love celebrating as a team!
Get Paid in 2025!
We’d love to help you take away some of the pressure that unpaid invoices have on your business this year. Contact us today and watch your cashflow improve. 📈
Visit our website for a free no obligation quick quote for recovery and seamlessly upload your case for collection in just 3 easy steps!

Lynne is the Founder and CEO of Darcey Quigley & Co.
She is passionate and determined to help businesses get overdue invoices paid quickly.
Having worked within the credit management industry for over 27 years and ran UK leading commercial debt recovery specialists Darcey Quigley & Co for over 17 years, Lynne has helped businesses recover commercial debts from every continent across the globe.
Connect with me on LinkedIn!